Vulture is a scavenger, to be sure, and so his master plan revolves around collecting all the spoils he can and simply flying away with it. The game starts with 3 Crisis tokens in each Location (representing the spoils), and Heroes must keep the Vulture from stealing too many of them. To do so, this Villain employs several different methods. He can do it directly, with his BAM! effect, though a Hero in his Location can take damage to prevent it. Allowing a Location to be overrun by Thugs or endangered Civilians also creates the perfect opportunity for him to whisk spoils away. His Masterplan deck even contains a Heist plan that allows him to steal spoils from every Location without a Hero to guard them.
On his Threat cards, besides counting on the aid of fellow evildoers like Kraven and Sandman, he also can count on grenade bombings that strafe any Heroes in the Location, causing severe damage, or electromagnetic wings which allows him to fly away from any attack relatively unscathed.
Vulture does not have world domination in his sight, but he must be stopped nonetheless, and pinning down this flying menace can prove quite a challenge.