Superior Spider Man

As a Hero, Doc Ock makes for a very different Spider-Man. His genius intellect allow him to use any Action token as a Wild, while the resources of Parker Industries grant him any combination of 2 Action tokens he might need. Every turn he can add a Spider-Bot token to his Location, eventually spreading his own little Spider-Army around the play area. Superior Spider-Man can either use them as decoys, discarding them to avoid damage, or he can have them perform Attack or Heroic Actions wherever they are. At the bottom of his deck sits his Final Understanding. A card that MUST be played once it’s in his hand. It represents Otto’s ultimate sacrifice, KO’ing himself. At this point, Superior Spider-Man may be replaced by a new Spider-Man Hero.

Superior Spider-Man’s Mechanical Spider Arms grant him additional Attack or Heroic Actions, while his Web-Shooters also help him Move or pull Thugs or Civilians toward him.

As a Villain, Superior Spider-Man is out to prove he can be a better Spider-Man than Peter Parker ever was. He has his own set of Mission cards, which he sends out his army of Spider-Bot tokens to complete. When he BAMs, he not only fights several Heroes around him, using his mechanical spider arms, but also adds more Spider-Bots to the game and has the ones already scattered around Locations rescue Civilians and defeat Thugs. Any overflowing tokens also go on his Missions, and he completes his Clear Threats Mission by KO’ing Heroes. If he ever completes two of his Missions, Superior Spider-Man Wins.

Heroes can take out the Spider-Bots, though they are also replenished by some of his Threat and Master Plan cards (and sometimes they’ll even attack the Heroes). His other Threats may neutralize Heroes’ special effects or accelerate the Master Plan, while his Unstable Behavior makes Superior Spider-Man untouchable until they are cleared.