
Spot may look funky, but he’s no mere Villain of the week. Placing Spot portal tokens on all Locations, he is a very slippery opponent, with all his Master Plan cards teleporting him around. He starts with a number of Crisis tokens which he discards whenever he takes damage, immediately slipping away to the next portal before a Hero can land more than one punch on him. On the other hand, while his attacks may not be devastating, he’s very hard to evade. Half his Threats make his attacks from the Spotted dimension unpreventable, and if he finds himself with no targets around him, he may punch a faraway Hero right through a portal! He accelerates his plan by KO’ing Heroes, something that is facilitated by Overflows that damage Heroes there (and even if there are no Heroes in the overflowed Location, the other half of his Threats ensures a Hero somewhere is always damaged by an Overflow).