
Don’t let the 6 sword-wielding arms fool you, Spiral may be a deadly fighter, but what really makes her a daunting foe are her mystical powers. Like a frightening dance, this sorceress is casting her spell upon the whole world, move by move getting closer to completing it. To complete her spell, she needs to perform a specific sequence of moves. Whenever the symbol on the Master Plan card she plays matches the symbol of the next move required by her spell, she advances on her spell track. Once the dance is complete, all hope is lost.

But even at the start of her dance, things are already extremely dire for the Heroes, as they start the game with all of their special effects neutralized by her spell! The usual Missions aren’t used when fighting Spiral, instead, the Heroes need to perform their own sort of dance in order to disrupt her spell, rescuing Civilians, defeating Thugs, and clearing Threats in the specific order laid out on a special dashboard. If any of these tokens is taken out of the right order, it is simply discarded. Be careful, though, as Overflows will cause the Heroes’ progress to be set back. Once Heroes manage to fill all the slots on the Disrupt Spell dashboard, they regain the ability to use their special effects, and immediately Spiral becomes Under Pressure, can be damaged, and all Heroes draw 1 card.

It’s then time to bring the fight directly to Spiral, but she’s a worthy adversary. Her attacks target all Heroes around her and using invisibility she forces Heroes to perform Heroic actions before they can attack her. Her Threats are debilitating spells that affect Heroes starting their turn in their Location, losing Action symbols, Action tokens, or even cards.

As a Hero, Spiral uses her mystic powers to be always one step ahead of the Villain. Her starting hand card allows her to spend an Action token to teleport her, and any other Heroes with her, to any Location she wishes, as soon as the top Master Plan card is revealed. Her deck has a number of Spell Dance cards, which performs her sorcery move by move, getting stronger with each card she plays, granting her extra cards, Heroic tokens, or free attacks against Thugs and Henchmen.
