Sebastian Shaw is an extremely power-hungry Villain, with a sinister plan for mutant domination. If Heroes aren’t careful, this plan can come to fruition before they can fight back, as he plays extra facedown Master Plan cards whenever there’s an overflow, or there are Heroes near him when he BAMs. Shaw’s ability to absorb kinetic energy makes him incredibly hard to take down. Each Hero can never inflict more than 1 damage per turn on him, and when they do, they immediately take 2 damage back!
If all that wasn’t enough, perhaps Sebastian Shaw’s greatest strength is his control of the dreaded Hellfire Club. As Black King, he wields the club’s influence to deceive the Heroes, giving them Crisis tokens that force them to play their cards randomly. All of his Threat cards are Henchmen members of the Hellfire Club. The White King (Donald Pierce) attacks the Heroes while remaining almost untouchable himself. The White Queen (Emma Frost) clouds the Heroes’ minds, distributing Crisis tokens all around her. The White Rook (Emmanuel da Costa) uses his shady dealings to further confuse the Heroes with Crisis tokens. The Black Queen (Jean Grey) gains more Health with each BAM, while attacking a Hero and messing with their mind. The Black Rook (Jason Wyngarde) simply attacks Heroes. Finally, the Black Bishop (Harold Leland) keeps filling his Location with new Thugs.