Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver

The Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are twins, and so they act together as a unique Villain duo. The Heroes will need to contend with both of them throughout the game, as their special bond means none can be truly defeated while the other still stands.

Using a single Master Plan deck, most of the cards will activate both Villains, moving each one independently. Quicksilver goes around endangering Civilians and positioning Thugs in different Locations. When he BAMs, he manages to damage every Hero he passed by that turn. He may even move so fast as to become completely untouchable. Meanwhile, Scarlet Witch uses her magic to hurt any Hero unlucky enough to be caught around her. If a Hero is KO’d, or a Location Overflows, their plan is accelerated, with a Master Plan card being played facedown.

With the Threats in play, Wanda uses Chaos Magic to force Heroes to play cards randomly. The brotherly bond between her and Pietro ensures that none of them can go down to zero Health. This bond can be exploited, however. If Heroes clear a Troubled Loyalty card, the next Villain turn gets delayed.

But the real threat of the Scarlet Witch is her ability to warp reality, changing things back to an ideal state for her. Both Villains go back to full Health, and everyone goes back to their starting Locations. Any Master Plan cards that were facedown in the Storyline get shuffled back into the deck, but damaged Heroes are also able to retrieve some of their cards from the Storyline.