As a Hero, Red Hulk has some similarities to your regular garden-variety green Hulk. His rage can deal 2 damage to EVERYTHING in a location, also causing Civilians to flee. His is also able to absorb energy from other Heroes, forcing anybody in locations around him to discard cards with Special Effects so he gains Wild tokens. Not the nicest of moves, but definitely an effective one.
As a Villain, Red Hulk is seeking revenge on the Heroes, chasing them relentlessly and causing trouble in order to increase his Revenge track. His Threats help him look for trouble, ensuring he always moves to a Location occupied by Heroes. Expectedly, he’s a tough foe who hit hard and often. The Heroes have a secret weapon, though. Betty Ross, the Red Hulk’s daughter, is around, and her presence neutralizes Red Hulk’s BAM! if her token is in his location. The Heroes can control her movement according to the Moves on the latest cards they played, so if they play their cards right, can stand a change at bringing the big guy down.