As a Hero, Red Guardian is an honorable fighter, gaining extra attacks, as long as they’re not used to deal the killing blow to Henchmen or Villains. A skilled test pilot, he gain Wild tokens whenever a Location allows him to move. His KGB training allows him to look at as many Master Plan cards as the number of Civilians he just rescued, possibly placing them at the bottom of the deck. Red Guardian is the leader of the Winter Guard, so him and any other Winter Guard Heroes may draw an extra card when he plays his Winter Guard card.
With the arrival of Red Guardian, we can finally reveal the secret information that had been classified in the Darkstar and Ursa Major updates. As many must have suspected, these characters are not used as individual Villains. Instead, Red Guardian, Darkstar, and Ursa Major work together as a Villain team, so you can fight the Winter Guard as a unified threat!
The Winter Guard’s mission is to interrogate the Heroes and uncover their secrets. The Interrogation track may increase when an Overflow is triggered, when a Hero is KO’d, or when a Hero is caught in a Location with an Interrogation Techniques Threat. The three Villains move around independently, attacking the Heroes in different ways. Red Guardian may attack several locations, Ursa Major may get rid of all Thugs and Civilians, and Darkstar can make her attacks unpreventable. Red Guardian may even interrogate them directly, forcing them to discard a card from their hand and increasing the Interrogation track if it contains an Attack. The Heroes must knock down the Winter Guard one by one as quickly as possible, before all their secrets are exposed.
The battle against the Winter Guard can also be used as special Challenge for the previously unlocked Crimson Dynamo, where he benefits from the secrets uncovered by his fellow Winter Guard members! In this mode, players first play a game against the Winter Guard. If they win, they then proceed to the final game against Crimson Dynamo, carrying any Action tokens they had left, and adding additional Crisis tokens to the Power Struggle Mission according to how far they allowed the Winter Guard’s Interrogation track to advance.