When Nimrod enters play, he is already Under Pressure, and can be damaged from the start. He immediately plays a Master Plan card and starts hunting the Heroes. His BAM attacks deal 1 damage to all Heroes in his Location, and that damage is increased to 2 or 3 depending on how far along the Activation Track he is. The battle against Nimrod tends to be swift and brutal. If a Hero is KO’d, they are outright eliminated from the game! If all Heroes are eliminated, the reign of Nimrod and the Sentinels is assured.
But Nimrod is not just a mindless killer. If his Health drops down to 4, he immediately retreats to the opposite Location. Most of his cards ensure he hunts down the Hero with the most cards in hand. They also allow him to repair himself, and even advance the Activation Track in order to make him unstoppable.