Namor commands amazing power. His cards offer him lots of Action symbols, making him very active and a fantastic asset for any team. As an avenging Son of Atlantis, his reach extends far and wide, allowing him to attack his foes wherever they may be. He is also able to exert his royal influence to keep the situation under control, instantly discarding a Civilian or Thug from all Locations.
As the villainous King of Atlantis, Namor launches a full scale invasion! His goal will be to flood four or more Locations, and in the meantime his army of Atlanteans will keep the Heroes busy. His Threats keep bringing in more Atlantean Thugs, making Overflows a constant risk, while tidal waves throw the Heroes around. Namor doesn’t sit back while others do his dirty work, though, bringing devastation to the Heroes with his Imperius Rex combo.