
Morlun consumes the life force of the Heroes. Through his Master Plan cards, he can sense their life force, tagging them with Crisis tokens. A fierce hunter, he can then deal unpreventable damage to Heroes with Crisis tokens. When a Hero is KO’d, Morlun might simply absorb their life force, gaining extra Health. A KO’d Hero is outright removed from the game, being replaced by a new one. Once enough Heroes are eliminated, it’s game over. Morlun is aided by a powerful cabal of Henchmen, who also absorb the life force of Heroes KO’d in their Location, gaining extra Health.

Daemos either wails at a Hero or wipes out all Civilians in his Location. Jennix injects Heroes around him with Crisis tokens, damaging them. Verna’s power can damage a Hero anywhere in the game. Brix and Bora work in tandem to corner the Heroes, with Bora being able to absorb some damage. Finally, Karn moves around, hunting the Heroes with deadly attacks.