
As a Hero, Moonstone can use her ability to become intangible to ignore 1 damage every Villain turn. However, being intangible also makes it harder to act, so she loses an Action the following turn. Besides that, Moonstone uses her manipulative skills in various ways. Psychologically, she can manipulate the Civilians, so they move to an adjacent Location and attack an enemy there. She can also manipulate gravity, attracting adjacent Villains, Henchmen, and Thugs to her Location and crushing them there.

As a Villain, Moonstone relies on the power of the Moonstone gravity gem to dominate the Heroes. She starts the game in possession of the Moonstone, as represented by its card which is placed on her Villain dashboard. As long as she is in possession of the stone, she cannot be damaged. Powered by the Moonstone, her BAM deals damage to a Hero according to the number of cards with a Special Effect they have in their hand, and if she KO’s a Hero, she accelerates her plan. However, a Hero in her Location can use a Heroic Action to steal the Moonstone, making her vulnerable but also dangerously enraged! Her BAM mobilizes her forces, dealing damage to Heroes in all Locations around her according to the presence of Thugs or Civilians. If she KO’s a Hero, she recovers the Moonstone.

Moonstone’s Master Plan cards can manipulate gravity, KO’ing Heroes with no Special Effect cards in hand, or make her intangible so it’s harder for Heroes to steal her Moonstone. Her Threats put in effect her manipulative skills, depriving Heroes of some of their Actions. She also has the aid of her fellow Thunderbolts: Bullseye, Venom, and Songbird, as Henchmen who hinder the Heroes in various ways.