
As a Villain, Marrow must always start in the Morlock Tunnels Location (which all backers are getting as part of the X-Force expansion) and she’s leading an outright Morlock invasion! While the Tunnels start with no Civilians, she will be bringing extra Civilians and Thugs to the Morlock Tunnels when she goes Under Pressure and whenever she KO’s a Hero. If the Morlock Tunnels ever Overflow, her invasion succeeds, and the Heroes lose.

Marrow is a sneaky Villain, using her Surprise Ambush Threats to attack Heroes adjacent to her, and retreating to safety to recover her Health. While her Bone Armor Threats are in play, damaging Marrow also causes Heroes to take 1 damage. And if she’s able to play both of her Dual Hearts Master Plan cards, she manages to recover all her Health after being defeated.

As a Hero, Marrow has Dual Hearts as a starting hand card. If she’s about to be KO’d, she can turn it facedown to immediately draw 2 cards. Her bone armor ensures that any Villain or Henchman attacking her also suffer 1 damage back. Plus, she can use her bone weapons to attack adjacent Locations.