
If that wasn’t enough, her faithful dragon-like companion, Lockheed, is always around to act in tandem with Kitty Pryde. A starting hand card allows her to place the Lockheed token on the board, and she can spend her Moves to move Lockheed instead. Other cards allow Lockheed to perform extra Attack or Heroic actions in his Location. He may be small, but his fire breath can be very effective!

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cmon/marvel-united-x-men/posts/3175760While Lockheed has close ties with Kitty Pryde, he’s willing to lend some support to any friendly Hero! His fire breath can be used to Attack a target in his Location, or he can breathe out smoke to shroud his Location, protecting the Heroes there. Lockheed’s uncanny piloting skills allows him to move the Hero to another Location at the end of their Turn, enabling them to use the End of Turn effect of both Locations!
