
Immortus is a Villain who acts on a whole other level. He doesn’t really engage directly with the Heroes, nor can the Heroes ever really attack him. Instead, Immortus moves around the timeline, influencing events and manipulating the populations to his will. In order to defeat him, the Heroes will have to complete all the Missions, but that is definitely not as easy as it may sound. When he BAMs, Immortus discards a Thug and a Civilian from his Location, also removing the corresponding tokens from the Mission cards, turning back time on the Heroes’ progress. His Master Plan cards are able to add Civilians and Thugs to most Locations, causing Overflows that help him play additional cards facedown (which he also does when a Hero is KO’d). His cards also mess with the Storyline in many ways, swapping Hero cards around, moving them back into Heroes’ decks, and even interfering with history by completely reversing the order of play!

While Immortus may not attack the Heroes, that doesn’t mean they are safe, since his Threats assemble the Infinity Watch to aid his master plan. Yondu attacks all Heroes over several Locations unless they discard Action tokens, Nova ignores damage and cancels symbols on Heroes’ cards, Captain Marvel attacks adjacent Locations and hurts Heroes who attack her, Silver Surfer moves around until he finds a Hero to attack, and Starfox can’t be damaged as long as he’s able to damage Heroes. The last of Immortus’ Threats is a Tachyon Field Generator that really hinders the Heroes, making it impossible for them to complete a Mission as long as the field is online.