
Hulkling’s Kree physiology gives him a Healing Factor Starting Hand card that allows him to draw a card every Villain turn if he’s wounded. Most notable, however, is his ability to mimic other Heroes, taking the Starting Hand card from a Hero not being used and placing it next to his Impersonating card. It functions as if it were his own card, played on the Storyline, giving Hulkling that Special Effect. If he is KO’d, he must discard that card and choose a new one next turn. Also, when he plays a Metamorphic Adaptation card he’s even able to use the Action symbols at the bottom of the card being impersonated.

Hulkling wields his powerful Excelsior sword, making all attacks he makes against Henchmen unpreventable. He may even give Excelsior to another Hero by spending 2 Action tokens. Forged from a Kree Nega-Band, the Wedding Rings worn by Hulkling and his husband, Wiccan, form a powerful bond between them. They can be used to allow the wearer to draw an extra card in their time of need.