Gwenpool knows perfectly well she’s in a comic book (or in this case, a game). This awareness of her medium allows her to manipulate it in unusual and powerful ways, like going through the Storyline and flipping a couple cards there (either faceup or facedown). She can travel to Gutter Space, an extra multiversal dimension between the comic pages, taking a Henchman with her. They are both removed from the game, returning to any free Location on her next turn (the Henchman all the worse for wear). Knowing she’s in a fictional universe, Gwenpool has little regard for the consequences of her actions, casually discarding her own cards in order to rain down destruction to everything around her.
And what’s that thing by her feet? Oh, that’s just Jeff, the land shark. He stays at her side and takes a love bite out of any Thug or Henchman Gwenpool ignores. He’s adorable.