
Gorr is single-minded in his quest to destroy all gods (and what is a super hero but a kind of god?). He will hunt down the Heroes and cut them down one by one, and his wrath is greater the stronger the Hero. When he BAMs, all Heroes in his location must reveal their hands and the Hero(es) with the most symbols at the bottom of their cards takes 2 damage! When a Hero is KO’d, not only Gorr gains 2 Health, but the Hero is eliminated for good. The player loses any Action tokens they had and must bring in a new Hero into the game. Once enough Heroes are eliminated, Gorr’s crusade is successful!

Gorr is aided in his campaign by an army of Black Berserker Henchmen. These monstrosities occupy all locations, all attacking on every BAM with a powerful 2-damage attack. The Heroes do have the chance to prevent this damage by revealing a card from their hand with Attack symbols. Whether they keep such cards in reserve to defend against the Black Berserkers or spend them to defeat them will be a tough choice each Hero will have to make. To make matters worse, Gorr is able to bring back eliminated Black Berserkers, moving them around and commanding their attacks.
