To the oppressed people of Sakaar, Gladiator Hulk is a revolutionary Hero and a lot more resourceful than his regular incarnation. He leads his Warbound into battle, allowing all other Heroes to Attack with him, and his pact with them gives him Attack tokens whenever his allies take damage around him. Acting as liberator, he can gain Wild tokens when he defeats a Henchman. The more he’s wounded, the more dangerous Gladiator Hulk becomes, enacting deadly payback when his hand is reduced or going on a one-on-one clash that smashes a single enemy with damage that is greater the less cards Hulk has in hand. Finally, his love for his wife, Caiera, drives him to fight even more valiantly, doubling each Attack he makes that turn.
As a Villain, he is known as World Breaker Hulk, dealing out his revenge against the Heroes. His plan is to pound them into submission and ensure they remain subdued by attaching Obedience Discs to them. He goes around attacking Heroes, and his Overflow effect further damages them. When a Hero is KO’d, an Obedience Disc is attached to them. This makes the Hero turn the card they played facedown at the end of their turn, leaving the next Hero without support and limiting their special effects. Other Heroes can help remove their Obedience Disc by spending a Heroic Action in their Location, but if all Heroes have an Obedience Disc at the same time, the game is lost.
In his enraged pursue of the Heroes, Hulk places Move tokens on his Rage card. Before he BAMs, he always first uses the tokens placed on that card to charge towards the closest Hero without an Obedience Disc, in order to grind them into submission and attach a Disc to them.
World Breaker Hulk is aided by his Warbound Henchmen. While Korg and No-Name attack the Heroes, Miek spurs Hulk on, adding Move tokens to his Rage card. Not that Hulk needs a lot of encouragement to wreak havoc. Half of his Threats are impossible to be cleared and remind Hulk of his dead wife, Caiera, whenever he enters their Locations. This drives him into a frenzy, making his BAM attacks even deadlier.