Facing Fin Fang Foom may seem deceptively safe at first. The great space dragon starts the game in deep hibernation, playing cards from his ‘Dormant’ Master Plan deck. These don’t move him or trigger any BAM! What they do is advance the invasion of the rest of his shapeshifting race, the Makluans, adding Thugs and endangering Civilians. Heroes will need to use well this ‘calm before the storm’ phase to prepare themselves while Fin Fang Foom slumbers, completing Missions before his Dormant deck runs out. Once 2 Missions are complete and the Villain is Under Pressure, Foom awakes and switches to his ‘Awake’ Master Plan deck!
Then, the Heroes must contend with the fury of the dragon. He flies around, chasing the Heroes with the most cards in their hands and dealing devastation wherever he lands. An incredibly tough enemy, Fin Fang Foom is further aided by his Threats which give him supernatural durability or allow him to shapeshift and hide among the Civilian population. The Heroes will be hard pressed to put him down before he makes a meal out of them.