Enchantress is a powerful magic-user, skilled at manipulating others to do her bidding. During setup, she grabs 9 Henchmen cards from other Villains to form a Henchmen deck, deploying them around the locations. Besides using their own natural abilities, these Henchmen protect Enchantress so she can’t be attacked if she’s in a location with them. As they are defeated, she can bring in new Henchmen from the deck into play. She can also absorb the life of Civilians, discarding them to increase her Health, or hypnotize the Heroes, forcing them to play randomly, lose Actions, or take damage.
Enchantress does bring one Henchman of her own to her defense. Skurge the Executioner deals an inordinate amount of damage to all Heroes in his location. While other Henchmen are removed from the game when defeated, Skurge is placed on top of the deck, ready to be brought back into play when his mistress calls.