Emma Frost’s role as a Hero has always been a tenuous affair. But when she joins the side of X-Men, she can put her powers to perform amazing heroics. By turning her body into an organic diamond she can not only shrug off any damage, but also draw back cards in case her hand had been previously reduced. As an Omega-class telepath, she’s sometimes able to draw deeply on the power of her teammates, using the Action symbols on the previous 2 Hero cards, instead of just the previous one.
As a Villain, Emma Frost puts her telepathic abilities to full use, deeply messing with the heads of the Heroes. With a mind wipe she can make the Heroes forget all of their special abilities for a while. She goes around chasing the Heroes and accumulating Crisis tokens as she manipulates their minds. This forces the Heroes to play their cards randomly if they want to keep Emma Frost from accelerating her Master Plan. Meanwhile, her Threats project imaginary versions of various characters to confront the Heroes with very real dangers.