
Electro uses his powers of electrical manipulation to cause a blackout over the entire city. When he KO’s a Hero, or fills a Location with Thugs or endangered Civilians, he’s able to put a Crisis token on the Location which essentially shuts it off. Even if the Threat on that Location has been solved, its End of Turn ability does not work. What’s worse, each Location can only take one Crisis token, so if a second must be placed, it causes a chain reaction that progressively shuts down each adjacent Location. If all Locations are shut down, the game is over!

Electro’s attack is devastating, targeting all heroes in the Location on the opposite side of the play area, and extending to both Locations adjacent to it! His Masterplan cards allow him to cause further blackouts or to dematerialize to avoid all attacks for a while. His Threats allow him to recharge his Health, threaten Heroes with high voltage jolts, and the power to accelerate his Masterplan.

Electro makes the Heroes’ lives very hard by depriving them of their hard-earned Location effects (and the electrocuting part is no joke either).
