
Dormammu is a very unique Villain and facing him is a challenge unlike any other. The Heroes are not actually trying to defeat him in battle. In fact, they can’t ever damage him! What they need to do is keep him from completing his dark ritual, which will give him power over our dimension. If the Heroes can hold him back long enough so that his Masterplan deck runs out before the Ritual Track reaches the end, they are victorious!

When Heroes complete the second Mission, instead of being able to attack Dormammu directly, they get to remove the next Masterplan card from the game, bringing them one step closer to victory. Meanwhile, Dormammu uses Civilians and Thugs to advance his Ritual. The track is advanced if a Location becomes full of Thugs or Civilians, and some extremely powerful Masterplan cards advance the Ritual by the number of such tokens in Dormammu’s Location.

Heroes will have to learn a new way to fight a Villain if they are to stop Dormammu (and having a certain sorcerer supreme at your side would not be a bad idea).