Doctor Doom is a legendary Villain with an inscrutable plan. So much so that any effect the Heroes could use that might mess with the Master Plan deck (revealing cards, changing their order, forcing them to be played facedown, removing them, etc) are completely neutralized when playing against Doctor Doom.
Starting in his kingdom of Latveria, Doctor Doom surrounds himself with his Doombots, tokens that function essentially like Thugs but that keep Doctor Doom from being damaged as long as there’s a Doombot in his Location. With his BAM effects he attacks all Heroes in his Location, and then his Doombots proceed to attack any Heroes in their Locations. His Master Plan cards not only add Civilians and Thugs to Locations, but also occasionally Doombots, sometimes even converting Civilians into Doombots. While he doesn’t place a Threat card in Latveria, his other Threats all empower his Doombots, causing more of them to be added to Locations, making them tougher, or giving them a self-destruct protocol that damages Heroes around them when defeated.
Of course, the Doombots are just a means to an end, and for Victor the ultimate realization of his plans for domination will come when the Doom Track reaches its end. This track advances whenever there’s an Overflow or a BAM. Doctor Doom can also give Crisis tokens to Heroes or force them to choose between discarding a card or Action token, or taking a Crisis token. Eventually the trap is sprung, and the Doom track advances according to the number of Crisis tokens distributed. But Heroes can attempt to foil Doom’s plan, as they can spend actions to discard their Crisis tokens.
While Doctor Doom is certainly primarily a Villain, his sense of duty and unwavering self-pride often puts Victor on the same side as the Heroes when another Villain threatens his interests. As a Hero, Doom is a mighty presence. His starting hand card allows him to welcome the pain that would break lesser men, granting him Action tokens of his choice for each damage he takes. Ever the opportunist, Doctor Doom has no qualms about drawing power from his teammates for his personal glory, using the action symbols on all 3 previous Hero cards, and then turning them all facedown. So what if he shuts down another Hero’s ability? It’s all for the greater good.