Dark Beast presents a complex challenge, as his experiments are corrupting the Mutant DNA, canceling all special effects on Hero cards. Instead of the regular Missions, Heroes will need to rescue Civilians, defeat Thugs, and clear Threats following the precise DNA sequencing required to complete the Restore Mutant DNA special mission! Any task done out of sequence is lost. Dark Beast is the most dangerous combination of brains and brawn, with his BAM! not only attacking Heroes in multiple Locations, but also removing all Thugs and Civilians in his location to feed his Gene Pool, accelerating his Master Plan.
Dark Beast’s Threats further his grim DNA experiments, forcing Heroes to lose Action symbols, Action tokens, or Hero cards. He is also aided by a troupe of varied Henchmen. Random adapts his attacks to the targets available, Fatale forces Heroes to play their next card facedown, and the multiplying religious zealots known as Madri hide in the crowds of Thugs or Civilians and attack Heroes wherever there are Thugs present.