
Like his father, Daken’s healing factor ensures his hand of Hero cards is always full, plus his many claws can deal unpreventable damage to his foes. Possessed of superhuman tracking abilities, he can move directly to a location with a Villain or Henchmen and attack them. With his pheromone control he’s able to cancel a Henchman’s BAM! as long as he’s alone with them in their location. Daken is still in the process of learning to be a Hero, gaining Heroic tokens for each damage he takes.

As a Villain, Daken is a fearsome foe. His attacks are devastating, and his healing factor ensures he recovers 1 health every Villain turn (as long as his card is kept faceup). But don’t think he’s just brute force. He’s a master manipulator who can turn the Heroes against each other and bring back Threat cards to ambush them. At the start of the game, he assigns the Hero with the most Attack symbols on their card as the Hunted Hero and targets them relentlessly. Above all else, Daken is trying to prove himself by challenging the Heroes and being challenged by them. When a Challenge is declared, Daken compares the top 3 cards of his Hero deck to the cards in the Hero’s hand. Whoever has the most Attack symbols wins the Challenge, moving the Challenge tracker in their direction (Daken moves it twice if he defeats the Hunted Hero in a Challenge). If Daken manages to move the tracker all the way in his direction, the Heroes lose!


We’d like to take a moment to talk about Daken. While his Stretch Goal was received with much enthusiasm by the fans, there was also some puzzlement about the specific look we chose to represent this character. As many of you have pointed out, the pale-skin look, with extra claws protruding from his arm, was something specific to a limited storyline and not representative of the character you know and love. After some deliberation, we decided to adjust the character so he is portrayed in the manner most fans of his know him best, and so have a greater connection to. To do so, we have completely redone his coloring, as you can see in his updated bio below:

And we have also removed the extra claws protruding from his right arm, so that he is presented in the more traditional way:

We hope these changes bring you even more enjoyment of this character. We appreciate your feedback, especially when it is done in the polite and constructive way we have witnessed. You help us make this a better game. Here’s to another couple weeks of cool reveals!
