Crimson Dynamo

Fighting against the Crimson Dynamo is a relentless struggle. The Clear Thugs mission is replaced with his Power Struggle mission, which starts already with 2 Crisis tokens on it. Master Plan cards, Overflow effects and BAMs (from Crimson Dynamo and half of his Threats) keep adding Crisis tokens to the mission, though Heroes next to Crimson Dynamo can try to prevent that by taking damage themselves. Heroes can also corner him and use Heroic Actions to remove further tokens. They’ll need to spend plenty of effort there, as the game is lost if the Power Struggle mission ever fills up. However, if they manage to empty it, it’s considered completed. The card is flipped over and placed on the Villain Dashboard, overriding the previous rules and introducing its own set of rules!

Besides controlling the Power Struggle, defeating Crimson Dynamo himself will not be easy. His Armor Power Threats allow him to ignore damage, and the Red Militia turns Civilians into Thugs who attack the Heroes. And then there’s Crimson Dynamo’s arsenal of missiles which target both adjacent locations, and electric blasts which shuts down all nearby Equipment!