As a Hero, Cosmic Ghost Rider wields the Power Cosmic to fuel his Penance Stare, focusing his punishment on a single enemy, or to call upon Cosmic Hellfire to rain down on all Thugs in his Location. He further enacts his cosmic punishment by defeating Thugs not only in his Location but also adjacent ones. He is even able to use remote possession to use the End of Turn of another Location as if he were there.
Cosmic Ghost Rider has a couple Equipment cards to aid him: His Hellfire Chain allows him to attack multiple targets in his Location. His souped-up Hell Cycle helps him move around easily, being recharged by the Thugs he defeats.
As a Villain, Cosmic Ghost Rider is out to bring punishment to everyone in the galaxy. He rides down not only the Heroes, but also discards Thugs where he BAMs, increasing his Punishment track for each Thug that suffers his punishment, and whenever Overflows happen. At the end of his track lies defeat for the Heroes. He is even able to rain Cosmic Hellfire on all Heroes, no matter where they are, dealing unpreventable damage. His Threats make sure there are always innocents to protect and no shortage of sinners, by constantly adding Civilians and Thugs to the Locations.