Corvus Glaive is a lethal and single-minded hunter. His objective is to wipe out the Heroes and he’ll pursue them to the end of the earth to do that. If all Heroes are KO’d, the game is lost, and so his cards are constantly moving him to where the Heroes are in order to slice them with powerful attacks.
His Threats further puts the Heroes in peril with dangerous terrain and hidden traps that damage them. They also put Civilians in danger, eliminating them to advance his plan.
Corvus Glaive is a member of the Black Order, which means he can seamlessly be used to substitute one of the other Children of Thanos when playing with The Infinity Gauntlet Kickstarter Exclusive Optional Buy. As such, Heroes will need to make the tough decision between protecting themselves or keeping Corvus Glaive from handing Thanos too many Infinity Stones. Of course, Corvus can also be used to play a normal standalone game.