
Chameleon is a very unusual Villain. While he poses very little direct threat to the Heroes, they will be hard-pressed to stop his Master Plan in time, as he’s one slippery wrongdoer. Many of his effects accelerate his plans, all the while he slips away in the crowd, using his many disguises. Once Heroes complete 2 Missions, when they corner Chameleon to attack him, they need to see if they actually have the right guy. The more Thugs and Civilians in his location, the easier it is for him to get lost in the crowd. The Hero must reveal 1 random Find the Chameleon token to see if they have really got the real Chameleon so they can attack him. Only 1 out of the 8 tokens reveals Chameleon, the others are people he disguises himself as. Heroes will stand a better chance at finding him if they attack him in an empty location. For each empty Thug/Civilian slot in the location, they may reveal an extra Find the Chameleon token, increasing their chances of finding him and stopping him before it’s too late.

Chameleon’s Threats put even more pressure on the Heroes. Half of them improve his disguises, reducing the number of Find the Chameleon tokens that get revealed if he’s attacked in that location. The other half help his schemes, as they double the effect of Overflows in that location, bringing back Threats or accelerating the Master Plan.