During Civil War, Captain America finds himself leading the outlaw Secret Avengers team. Wearing his classic suit, he remains a hero to the people, gaining Heroic Actions to rescue Civilians. As a master strategist, he can have all other Heroes in his team perform an out of turn Action of their choice, surprising their opponents. While his shield protects him, even if Cap is brought down he just gets up again and is ready for another round with extra Heroic or Attack tokens. His shield is certainly not just for defense, it also allows him to Attack and even ricochet it around: if it defeats a Thug, it bounces to attacks an adjacent Location. If it defeats a Thug there, it bounces back to attack the other adjacent location!
When Captain America throws his mighty Shield he can Attack an adjacent Location, or he can use it to protect any Hero in his Location. Later he can discard an Action token to retrieve his Shield to use it again.