Blastaar is king of the Negative Zone and intends to trap the Heroes in this otherworldly realm. Besides blasting them, Blastaar can banish a nearby Hero to the Negative Zone card whenever he BAMs. These exiled Heroes lose any Action tokens they may have and are effectively out of the game, being skipped in the turn order. The only way to bring them back into play is for another Hero to go to a Location with a Negative Zone Portal Threat and spend a Heroic Action there (this means clearing all Threats may not be a great idea). If all Heroes are banished to the Negative Zone, there will be no one left to rescue them and the game is lost.
Blastaar’s Master Plan cards are filled with special effects that interact with the Negative Zone in various ways. He may use the Portals to damage Heroes or pull them into the Negative Zone, make it more difficult to bring back Heroes from the Negative Zone, open new Portals in the play area, accelerate his plan if all Portals are in play, and even achieve victory immediately if there are still any Heroes in the Negative Zone by the time he plays another turn!