Who better to fight in World War Hulk than the literal God of War? Being an Olympian, some of his powers are similar to Hercules, gaining extra Actions while also allowing himself or his teammates to choose whether to Attack or to Move. He also has an Immortal Starting Hand card that gives him extra cards after he is KO’d. However, his fighting style can be much more vicious, with a deadly Final Blow attack that, by sacrificing a card, can defeat a Henchman outright or deal an insane amount of damage to an enemy.
As a Villain, Ares fittingly is on a crusade to spread war across the universe! As he moves around, his Threats help him inflame the spirits in the Location he goes to, turning Civilians into violent Thugs, or adding Thugs if the Location is empty. With his God’s Wrath Master Plan cards he mobilizes all Thugs in the game to attack the Heroes, while wiping out any Civilians standing around him. As he BAMs, Ares sows war by adding Crisis tokens to Locations according to the Thugs occupying them. Heroes will need to quell these conflicts by spending Heroic Actions, otherwise they lose the game if they allow the conflagration to intensify too much. Battling the God of War to put an end to this escalation will not be an easy feat. His attacks are brutal, and he is able to ignore 1 damage every single turn.