Anti Venom

As a Hero, Anti-Venom can cleanse the body of any Hero, ridding them of any Crisis tokens a Villain may have burdened them with. His Anti-Venom serum can be used to rescue Civilians or defeat Thugs, containing any symbiote infection. He can also generate his own webbing, ensuring he can always get a free Move whenever he has none available.

As a Villain, Anti-Venom uses his abilities to deprive the Heroes of their powers. By using his BAM! and causing Overflows, the Heroes are forced to discard from their hand cards with Special Effects. If they can’t, they take damage and must turn facedown a card with Special Effects on the Storyline (if they have any). This not only hinders the Heroes, but also each of these discarded or neutralized cards advance the Anti-Venom track towards his ultimate victory.

Anti-Venom’s Threats grant him camouflage so he can evade attacks. They also allow him to cleanse his body, preventing Heroes from giving him tokens of any kind, such as Stuns or other special effects. Finally, they can negate some of the heroes’ powers, keeping them from moving during his turn (particularly nasty against Spider-Sense). To make matters worse, some of Anti-Venom’s Master Plan cards can bring these Threats back into play.