Absorbing Man is a tough criminal in his own right. Swinging his ball and chain he can damage Heroes all around him, as well as knocking out Civilians. He can deal massive unpreventable damage and even outright remove Hero cards from the game. But what really sets him apart is his power to absorb the properties of anything he touches. Each location has a Threat representing a different material. Absorbing Man gains a permanent ability and his BAM effect changes depending on the material present in the location he’s on.
Diamond makes him invulnerable and able to attack all Heroes around him for 2 damage. Stone allows him to ignore 1 damage and make blunt-force attacks. Glass makes him take extra damage if attacked but his Master Plan is accelerated. Water forces Heroes to spend Moves before attacking him and depletes his deck faster. Steel allows him to ignore 1 damage every turn and make a 2-damage attack. Fire forces Heroes to use Heroic Actions instead of Attacks against him and allows him to attack all locations around him. Clearing these Threats requires different Action combinations and Heroes need to avoid Overflows, otherwise cleared Threats may come back. To make things worse, many of Absorbing Man’s Master Plan cards give him a double move so he can shift and attack twice per turn. Told you there was a lot to absorb here…
Players can also choose to add Absorbing Man’s partner, Titania, as a Challenge. Once the first Threat is cleared, the Titania Threat is placed in Absorbing Man’s location. This Henchman is a heavy hitter that can knock out several Heroes in a row if they’re not careful.